The Upright Row Helps To Improve Posture!

Benefits Of The Upright Row

This shoulder and upper back exercise strengthens the muscles that enable you to lift your arms. This is one of the posture exercises that helps to improve posture, and is an excellent addition to any fitness routine.


Workout Procedure

  1. While in a standing position, hold the dumbbells with your arms hanging down
  2. Hold your hands close together with your palms facing you
  3. Breathe in
  4. As you breathe out, bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells up to chest level or higher

  5. Your elbows should be slightly above your shoulders and your wrists straight
  6. As you breathe in, lower the dumbbells to the starting position
  7. Do 8 to 12 repetitions
  8. Do this exercise 3 times a week, every other day

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